Saturday, August 23, 2008

Red Lodge-Willie Nelson, Beartooth Highway and Yellowstone

Kane and Colter went to Willie withouth me because i was sicker than a dog with a flu bug in the hotel room. wouldn't you know it the camera messed up right when he got to the front to get some up close pics. We'll give him an A+ for effort...
The scene.
Riley saying hi to Colter and Kane.
Sawyer, Pat, Quinn, Kane and Colter having fun.
Callie and Riley dancing the night away..
Saturday Morning: I'm feeling much better.. Beartooth's here we come.
This is a picure of the car because Colter has been sleeping in it the whole way!
Kane showing me some of the spots he has skied.
This one is called Gardner Park Headwall.
Looking at it from the other side.
Somewhere on the Beartooth highway.

Hooray, she woke up before the park.... Beartooth Lake.
Mama giving Colter love.
Daddy and Colter looking at the lake.
Colter checking out the green lichen.

Colter's first herd of Buffalo.
Get that baby back in her carseat!
Discovering how neat dandelions are.
Make a wish Colter, she really did try to blow on it.
Watching the seeds blow away in the wind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks like lots of fun! you're looking great mama!